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Why Old Acoustic Guitar Sounds Better?


What Is an Old Acoustic Guitar?

Acoustic guitar with old age but at good condition for playing.

Yes, we should mention “age” and “good condition” together at the same time. Because we have seen many old acoustic guitars are badly damaged without any possibility to play again.

But for those are at good conditions, we often find that have better sound performance. And some of them are even guitars of collect level and been collected in the museum.

Why?  We try to analysis and explain as specific as we can in this article.


What Factors that Contributing the Quality of Acoustic Guitar?

In common sense, a product quality and performance should be improved as the progressing to manufacturing technology. That is true in guitar making industry.

But we should remember that wood material determines the sound performance of an acoustic guitar or classical guitar mostly. Therefore, we seldom see that an acoustic made of laminated wood material can perform as good as it was borne after decades of using.

Why Old Acoustic Guitar Sounds Better?

Firstly, we should say because of the solid wood material that has been used for the acoustic guitar building.

We can find that all good acoustic guitars or classical guitars are made of good solid wood material with fine building technology.

Yes, based on the character of wood, as time goes by it is dehydrated better. Because the dehydration of solid wood will not stop. This makes the weight lighter and improves the sound reflection ability.  

And after the experience of changing of temperature, humidity, etc., the structure of the wood becomes more stable. This also helps the progressing of sound performance.

Besides, when we mention the wood material, we know that some old guitars are built with very rare wood material, even it is impossible to use today.

Another reason is the stability of the guitar. After years of bearing of the tension caused by the strings, every part of the guitar becomes incredibly stable. It can bear a high tension and it is easy to adjust the tension to be at a proper level. This improves the sound performance, too.

Above is our thoughts about this. How about your opinion? If you like to share with us, please feel free to CONTACT US.