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Why Acoustic Guitar Sounds Bad? Not Quality Issue


Shocked, Acoustic Guitar Sounds Bad Suddenly

No matter how good the acoustic guitar or classical guitar is when you bring it back from the store, one day you find it sounds weird, you are shocked and want to know what is happening. The first thing you might do is running to the store and ask for refunding because you think the guy didn’t give you a qualified instrument.

Have you ever thought that the weird sound may not due to bad quality of the guitar, but other factors?

Actually, there are many things beside the quality that can cause the bad sound. Before yelling to the poor store guy, it is better to figure out if he really lied to you.

Luckily, we will explain the things that frequently cause the weird sound to save your time and maybe some bucks.


Identify What Cause the Bad Sound

The weird or bad sounding acoustic guitar sounds dull, lacks clarity, out of tune, buzzes, rattles, or lacks volume and sustain, etc. As our experience, they are caused by tiny problem caused by lack of maintenance and can be fixed in a very short time. It is better to know how to check and fix before to argue with the store guy.

Let’s be clear at the beginning, the sound of a laminated acoustic guitar or beginner acoustic guitar can never be compared to the sound created by the full solid acoustic guitar or concert instrument. So, it is better to make sure you get the right guitar you need and never compare it with the one of higher level.

You Are the Problem, Not Your Guitar

For many times, the real problem is the player, that is, you, instead of the guitar. So, don’t complain about the baby in your hand so easily. We mean the techniques you have learnt. Thus, we list following tips of checking:

  • If you press down hard enough on the fretboard to make the sufficient vibration of strings.
  • Check if your fingers are on the right positions on the frets, if not, may cause buzz.
  • You may be not fretting the notes with fingertips. This is the most seen problem among beginners and even some learnt players. If you are using the pad of your finger, this will make a huge different sound.

Do you know that your guitar needs to be adjusted to get right tune? That is why your guitar has tuning pegs. Through accurate tuning, the gauge of the strings can be correctly adjusted to get the right vibration. If you don’t know if the tuning is correct, use digital tuner to help you will save you from guessing work.

Although using wrong strings is a problem, but we don’t want to say that you are using strings with wrong gauge. However, here is one critical thing need to be reminded. Do you remember when the strings are changed? This is almost the most common factor that cause the uncomfortable sound. And yes, the strings need to be replaced regularly. If you want to know more, we have explained in our previous post: Acoustic Guitar Strings Maintenance & Changing, Why & How Often.

Parts Deformed

We may think acoustic guitar and classical guitar are built with simple structure and with less accessories than electrical guitar. The truth is not that simple.

When meet sound problem, we need to inspect the parts, and once any deformation is found, there is a chance to fix.

Firstly, check the frets on the fretboard of the neck. Because of wearing, you may find some frets’ height maybe shorter than others. If so, it is time to replace the worn frets.

Another thing is to check the neck, if it is deformed, you can fix it through adjust the truss rod inside it.

And nut, saddle, bridge, etc., you need to check them one by one to figure out what is problem.

Well, if you are not so experienced to fix the part, it is time for you to go to the store for help. But remember be nice to the guy, because a happy guy can fix the problem fast and accurate to make your day.